For your little Zebra


Welcome to the wild side of babyhood with our Zebra Stripes Bundle! Delight in every moment as your little one explores the world wrapped in soft zebra prints and cozy comfort. Our zebra print romper is not just adorable, but also perfect for those precious photo moments. Let the gentle jingle of the crochet rattle spark joy in their curious minds, while our snug baby socks keep those tiny toes warm and stylish. Embrace the safari adventure with this meticulously curated hamper, designed to accompany your baby’s journey with love, warmth, and a touch of untamed charm. Let the safari begin.



  1. Option A:- Baby romper,Crochet rattle,Baby socks,Be unique handmade box
  2. Option B:- Baby romper, Baby socks, Wooden toy, Wash cloth

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Option A, Option B


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