Nature’s Touch Gift basket


“बाल बांधो और ठोको,मुझे नहीं कपड़े को”

Take out your frustration or day’s anger  as you smash the flowers on the scraves and create something beautiful.

Explore the magic of nature’s pigments and create beautiful botanical prints on fabrics.

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Hammer some Fresh Flowers and leaves on these pre treated scarves and create beautiful patterns and prints with natural dyes.

After Eco Printing you can wash the scarf in Dilued Eazy Wash , do not dry in sunlight. Do not use any harsh detergents just PH neutral Detergents like – Eazy.

Hamper contains:-

  1. Silk bandana
  2. Satin scrunchies 2
  3. Eco printed journal
  4. Wooden hammer
  5. Preserved flowers and leaves
  6. Handmade papers
  7. Gift basket


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